Samsung 30Q 18650 3000mAh 15A - Protected Button Top Battery
This protected Samsung 30Q is capable of up to 15A of protected power with the 4 MOS Seiko protective circuit. Wrapped in a solid blue PVC wrap.Samsung 30Q Internal Cell
Seiko Protection Mos/IC
Assembled by Ctechi
- Model: INR18650-30Q-PCB
- Size: 18650
- Style: Button Top
- Chemistry: INR
- Nominal Capacity: 3000mAh
- Continuous Discharge Rating: 15A (4 Mosfets / Protection cut-off 15A)
- Nominal Voltage: 3.6V
- Protected: Yes
- Rechargeable: Yes
- Approximate Dimensions: 18.42mm x 69.02mm (+4.00mm vs flat top version)
- Approximate Weight: 48.9g